"It Can't Be" to "Let There Be"
"Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it." - Psalms 139:14 NLT
God created the earth out of absolutely nothing. “Let there be…”—and there was. God sees what we don't see. Where in your life do you need to change an “it can’t be” to “let there be”?
When you face an impossible situation with no solutions, God sees a way. He gives us creativity to recognize possibilities even in the most challenging circumstances. God can inspire ideas that propel us beyond our limitations. In fact, limitations often force us to become more creative—creativity is simply leveraging perceived obstacles into opportunities.
Where do you need creativity? Maybe it’s in parenting a difficult child or navigating a challenging relationship. Maybe it's in your career or ministry. Whatever the situation, God can give you a “let there be” moment to bring something out of nothing.
Prayer: God, thank You for helping me see beyond what others see. Give me big ideas that shift my perspective. Increase my creativity so I can do more for You and help lead others to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen!